Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sweetly Terrible - Mar 4, Blocking Day 3

Woo-hoo! Scene Six has a solid shape!

I was apprehensive of this scene, mostly because I think as the actors take ownership of their characters and have the time and space to find the fills and pulls I want the blocking to support discover rather than be something we need to constantly adapt. My goal was to find a rough skeleton that had form and function. Sucess!

The studio at Dancemakers had been double booked, but fortunately the group who were working there were internal company, so they let us have the space. I set the space up so the Anna/Larry room takes about 2/3 of the stage (right and centre) and cramp Dan and Alice over left. Common entrance up left of centre... yummy. I'm such a blocking nerd.

As we've been going so far, the evening went very well, better than I would have hoped, even. We worked through the whole scene, ran it and did an ins and outs to clarify some of those difficult switches back and forth. I am curious to see what adjustments the playing space will bring, timing wise.

When we come back, I want to have more time on the interaction specifics. Both couples go through hell in this scene, and now there's an overall look, it will be important to clear it of extra movement and clean the edges to keep it streamlined. The sharper the look of the movement, the more the audience will be forced to focus on the actual emotion turbulence and action. That's where the ache and pain comes. It does seem a bit off to focus my energy on finding new ways to inflict emotional trauma on the people who pay to see the show. Strange life indeed.

SM front may be breaking - cross fingers there will be new playmates in our rehearsal hall by next week!


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